World Shipbuilders' Reunion is a great meeting and a joint feast dedicated to all those involved in the beautiful process of creating a ship - regardless of their specialization.
The event begins for:
Media patronage
A great meeting of the shipbuilding industry in Gdańsk, Poland
Dear Colleagues Shipbuilders! We are pleased to welcome you to the website of the World Shipbuilders' Reunion. It will be systematically updated with new information as the preparatory work for the Reunion progresses.
We have chosen June 21, 2025 as the date of the Reunion. In Poland, it will be a long June weekend, associated with the Corpus Christi holiday, and a few days off in a row are favorable to planning a trip. The beginning of the holiday season begins in this period, which can be convenient for planning an arrival for participants from outside Gdańsk and, more broadly, from outside Poland.
The meeting will be held on the Campus of the Gdańsk University of Technology. The official part will take place in the Aula of the Gdańsk University of Technology in the Main Building of the University, while the meeting/feast of shipbuilders will take place on the premises adjacent to the Shipbuilding Institute of the Gdańsk University of Technology.
Unique Jubilee
On January 20, 2025, the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding of the Gdańsk University of Technology, Prof. PhD, Dsc. Eng. Mariusz Deja, the Director of the Association of Polish Maritime Industries FORUM OKRĘTOWE Irek Karaśkiewicz and PhD, Dsc. Eng. Damian Bocheński, on behalf of the President of the Management Board of the Shipbuilding Brotherhood KOGA Edmund Ledwoń, signed a letter of intent regarding the organization of the World Shipbuilders' Reunion combined with the celebration of the anniversary of the Shipbuilding Institute of the Gdańsk University of Technology.
This year marks 80 years since the establishment of the Faculty of Shipbuilding at the Gdańsk University of Technology, established by the Polish authorities. Since its inception, the Faculty has changed its name many times. In 2021, it was merged with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, resulting in the establishment of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology. Despite the changes in name and place in the organizational structure of Gdańsk University of Technology, it has been the foundation of staff training for the shipbuilding industry in Poland for years.
Who do we invite to the World Shipbuilders' Reunion?
On the occasion of the Jubilee, the shipbuilders community associated with the Association of Polish Maritime Industries FORUM OKRĘTOWE and the Ship Brotherhood KOGA came up with the idea of organizing a Reunion of graduates.
However, we want to significantly expand the formula of the previous Reunions and invite all those involved in the beautiful process of creating a ship – regardless of what specialization you have and at which university you obtained it. The process of creating a ship is a multidisciplinary undertaking.
Graduates of the Gdańsk University of Technology will be the hosts of the event, but we invite all shipbuilders from all over the world to it.
If you work in a design office, shipyard, a company producing marine equipment or providing services to shipyards in Gdańsk, Gdynia, Szczecin, Sydney, New York or Hamburg – we invite you to our Reunion. And bring your colleagues from work with you.
In cooperation with the leading organizer of events in Gdańsk
The partner of the World Shipbuilders' Reunion i the Gdańsk International Fair – AMBEREXPO , and the Reunion itself will be an accompanying event of the BALTEXPO Fair.
Why did we choose such organizational formula?
We want to organize the event in a professional manner, which is why we have chosen an organization with extensive experience and professional staff to efficiently carry it out. A dedicated team has already begun preparatory work
World Shipbuilders' Reunion Program
At the moment we have a very general version of the Program. Of course, we will detail it as the organizational work progresses.
11:00 Registration of participants - in front of the Aula of the Gdańsk University of Technology
12:00 Official part - Aula of the Gdańsk University of Technology
13:30 A group photo of Shipbuilders – in front of the Main Building of the Gdańsk University of Technology
14:00 - 24:00 Feast/meeting - in the area adjacent to Shipbuilding Institute of the Gdańsk University of Technology
Registration for the event will start soon
As the organizational work progresses, we will be adding information to this website, so please check it from time to time. The media patron of the event – – will also provide regular information on the preparations for the Reunion.
We suggest that you to renew contacts with your colleagues from studies and work, and arrange a meeting with them, book tickets for your trip to Gdańsk and we will meet on June 21, 2025 at the Gdańsk University of Technology.