The whale, which recently got tangled in the fishing network in the Baltic Sea, appeared at the ferry terminal in Świnoujście. He was noticed near the Varsovia ferry. The services monitor his behavior to ensure a safe return to the ocean. The Sea Search and Rescue Service received a report about a tangled whale in the vicinity of Dziwnów. The animal moved to Międzyzdroje, where rescuers saved them from the network, 80 meters from the shore.
photo: Sebastian Kluska
South Korean shipyard workers expect the benefits of American activities aimed at limiting China's dominance in the maritime industry, which can increase orders for new construction and MRO. The American Congressman John Garamendi draws attention to the need to strengthen the American maritime industry and the trading fleet, which currently has only 80 ships under the American flag. The Ships for America Act assumes investment activities aimed at increasing the international fleet under the US flag by 250 ships within 10 years.
Photo. Hyundai
In the Baltic Hub terminal, a trial unloading of the CGA CGM Tivoli container container has been completed using new cranes on the T3 quay built. After the operation, the ship sailed to Klaipeda. Baltic Hub announced the end of the tests, which is a key step in the development of the terminal. The test of four cranes from China began on Monday and enabled the unloading of the first ship. The cranes that arrived in October have successfully undergone all preparations and are ready for operation. Technical collection and certification of devices have also been completed, and operators' training is underway. Baltic Hub plans to introduce another three cranes in mid -March and start test operations with the CMA CGM feeder.
Aut. Grzegorz Landowski
Soon a tender for the 2nd and 3rd stage of the construction of the "Red Road" will be announced, which is to be completed by 2030. The city presented three options regarding Kwiatkowski's flyover, of which the cheapest repair of faults was rejected. It is to be implemented
Comprehensive modernization, improving parameters for heavy transport to the port of Gdynia. Planned routes connecting Gdynia with the port are of key importance for defense. Kwiatkowski's route, i.e. a road connection with the port of Gdynia, has a limited load capacity and is not adapted to heavy traffic. The planned red road is to relieve the flyover and increase road capacity in the region.
Photo. PAP / GL
The construction of the first sea port of Hungary has begun in Trieste, which will ultimately have 650 meters of the quay over the Adriatic. In 2019, Hungary purchased an 80-meter plot with access to the sea for $ 32 million. The construction cost will be $ 209 million, and the port is to be operating in 2028, with an annual ability to handle 78 thousand. Teu. At the beginning a 250-meter quay will be built, which will later be extended by another 400 meters. The statements emphasized the importance of access to the sea for Hungarian exports, which is about USD 155 billion a year, so that the country could effectively participate in global supply chains.
Source: Adria Port ZRT.